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DoCurious Challenge standards and requirements

In addition to behaving in accordance with our Terms of Service which apply to all Members, DoCurious Challenge Providers—including their Co-Providers and assistants—must meet the following standards and requirements.

Any Challenge listed must meet and continue upholding these standards to remain on DoCurious platform. If a Challenge doesn’t meet these requirements, the listing or associated account may be restricted, suspended, or removed from the DoCurious marketplace.

In this article

  • Provider requirements
  • What doesn’t qualify as a DoCurious Challenge
  • Activities with special requirements or restrictions
  • Verification requirements
  • Listing page requirements
  • Hosting standards
  • What we don’t allow on Experiences

Provider requirements

In order to list a Challenge, Providers must operate as a business that complies with all legal, professional, and tax requirements that may be imposed by local, state, provincial, or national entities where they operate or provide products and services.  They should also have the knowledge, expertise, and undertake all practices necessary to safeguard the health and safety of participants undertaking any Challenge activities offered.

What doesn't qualify as a DoCurious Challenge

Purely Passive Recreation or Entertainment

DoCurious Challenges are intended to utilize and increase the knowledge and skills of the Doers undertaking them, and must engage the Doer in a “real world” activity as opposed to a purely on-line or screen-based activity.  Activities that do not require thought, imagination, or physical activity such as watching television, movies, listening to music, or attending events without a specific and credible personal improvement mission or goal do not qualify.  Goal-oriented screen-based activities that do require the use of substantial thought or imagination such as computer programming, digital art, and creating or editing videos or music are allowed.

Computer or Video Games

All DoCurious Challenges must involve the Doer in “real-life” activities.  Because computer and video games take place entirely within a virtual world, they do not qualify as DoCurious Challenges.  Exceptions may be made in the case of computer-based simulators that provide real-life skills directly applicable to the real world.

Gambling and Games of Chance

Doers must be the ones primarily responsible for the outcome of a Challenge.  Activities that involve gambling or rely heavily upon chance do not qualify.

Activities with special requirements or restrictions

Potentially harmful Challenges and activities 

Challenges or other activities that are reasonably likely to cause harm to participants or others when conducted properly are not permitted on the platform.  Examples include deliberate unprotected exposure to extreme heat or cold, ingestion of toxic substances, choking, confinement, self-harm, or causing harm to others.

Challenges and activities involving risk

All activities that involve a significant potential risk of physical or other harm to participants must be hosted and supervised by Provider personnel with substantial and demonstrable expertise in the subject matter of the activity.  This includes possession of valid and up-to-date licenses and certifications when required by law.  Any Challenge or other activity with significant potential risk must make participants aware of these risks when listing the Challenge and obtain the written waiver/consent of all participants prior to allowing them to undertake it.  If participants are minors under the age of waiver/consent in the location where the challenge is held, the written waiver/consent of a parent or guardian is required.

Sexually suggestive activities

Challenges that include sexual themes, content, or nudity are not permitted on the DoCurious platform.

Activities requiring valid licenses permits, or certifications

When any Challenge or activity involves the use of weapons, vehicles or equipment, food, chemicals, or restricted locations, Providers must ensure that they and all participants possess and maintain any necessary licenses, permits, certifications, permits, insurance, or other documentation required by law.  All equipment or vehicles used must be in good repair.

Political activities

We don’t allow Challenges that include or feature political activities or protests.

Verification requirements

Challenge ID Verification

If an Challenge includes a technically specialized activity where we require proof of a license, certification, or insurance on the part of the Provider, it will either not be published or removed from the platform if we find any of the following is true:

  • The Provider does not have or submit the requested documents.
  • The required documents are expired
  • The name(s) on the documents does not match the name listed on the Provider’s DoCurious profile
  • The documents don’t meet our license or insurance requirements
  • We cannot process the provided documents for any other reason (ex: blurry photo or unrecognized document type)

Listing page requirements

The Challenge listing must be clear, complete, and accurate. Guests should know exactly what to expect upon booking the Challenge. This applies to all Challenge details, including:

  • What participants will be doing
  • Meeting address and instructions for meeting up with the Provider in the case of a Hosted Challenge
  • What’s included in the price (e.g.: what the Provider is providing for participants)
  • What Doers need to bring with them (e.g.: self-provided clothing, tools, or materials)
  • The time and date of the Challenge if applicable

Challenge and Provider standards

Providers must honor all booked reservations

Providers must honor their reservations, unless they must cancel due to a valid extenuating circumstance, safety concerns, or dangerous weather conditions..

Doer feedback

Doers like to know they can expect a quality experience in their Challenges.  Challenges must maintain a high overall rating and avoid too many low review ratings (1-3 stars) from guests. Providers with too many low ratings or participant-reported issues may have their listings suspended and/or removed from the DoCurious platform.

What we don’t allow on Challenges

Mistreatment of animals

Challenges involving wild or domesticated animals should ensure the welfare of both animal and human participants.

Intellectual property violations

We do not permit the use of copyrighted work such as music, videos, photography, or literature unless the work was created or properly licensed by the Provider or Doer, or is in the public domain. We also prohibit the unauthorized use of other types of intellectual property such as trademarks (ex: brand names) or individual names (ex: celebrities) that improperly suggest an endorsement of, or affiliation with, a Provider or Challenge.

Violation of local laws or restrictions

Providers are responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other requirements that apply to their Challenge.