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DoCurious Service and Affiliate Fees

To help DoCurious run smoothly and to cover the cost of services like Member support, we charge a Service and Affiliate fee when a booking is confirmed.

Service fees

Purchases and bookings on the DoCurious platform incur a service fee that depends on the size of the transaction, but is generally about 3.5% of the purchase amount. This fee is used to compensate financial services companies (such as Stripe) that provide credit card and other financial transaction services.  The service fee is deducted from the purchase amount paid by the Purchaser before calculating the amount of the DoCurious Affiliate fee and the balance due to the Provider or Providers.

Affiliate fees

For every purchase made on the DoCurious platform, DoCurious takes a commission or Affiliate fee that is a percentage of the amount paid by the Purchaser after applicable service fees and taxes are deducted. This Affiliate fee ranges from15% to 30% depending upon the Provider’s participation in incentive programs that can be used to reduce the Affiliate fee percentage. Providers can find their currently active Affiliate fee percentage in the Billing portion of their DoCurious account dashboard