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Trademark Guidelines

DoCurious feels a deep responsibility to serve its community, including Providers, Doers, purchasers, partners, and others who use or encounter our platform and services. Part of serving our community includes protecting our trademarks and brand. We don’t want our community or anyone else to be confused whether something is endorsed, controlled, managed or authorized by us. These Guidelines are designed to protect our brand, and also to help you responsibly share about DoCurious.

These Guidelines are part of our Terms of Service. By using any of DoCurious’s services, you’re agreeing to these Guidelines, our Terms of Service, and our other policies.

1. DoCurious’s Trademarks

DoCurious’s trademarks include the DoCurious name, DoCurious logo, as well as all words, slogans, icons, logos, graphics, designs and other indicators that identify DoCurious, its related entities, or its services or products. We have put a lot of effort into ensuring that everything we provide you is of the highest quality, and our brands represent those efforts. This is why we protect our brands extensively by registering our trademarks and trade dress in the US and around the world.

You may NOT use the DoCurious logo or any DoCurious trademarks, logos, or icons unless you have formal written permission from the appropriate business or legal teams at DoCurious, Inc. The only exception is the limited uses of “DoCurious” detailed in Section 2 below.

Avoid confusion with DoCurious’s Trademarks


  • Adopt and use a name, logo, and brand identity, including color, font or typeface, that is distinct from DoCurious’s trademarks and brand elements.


  • Do not use the Bélo logo in any form, including separately or in combination with any business name, trademark, social media account name, or generic term.
  • Do not use “DoCurious,” “Do,” “DoC,” “DC” or similar terms, in your website name, business name, product name, trademark, domain registration, social media handle, brand asset, etc.
  • Do not feature DoCurious's distinctive colors prominently in your content, including in your trademarks, logos, designs, or other brand elements.
  • Do not use “DoCurious” as a stand-in for “challenges” or similar terms.

2. Using our name, “DoCurious”

You may talk about DoCurious (the company) or use “DoCurious” to factually describe what you are offering. If this is you, please always stick to the following guidelines: 

Keep it factual, accurate, and descriptive


  • You may mention “DoCurious”, but only in a way that honestly and accurately describes your relationship with DoCurious the company and/or products that come from or are authorized by DoCurious, like “DoCurious Provider,” “DoCurious listing,” the “DoCurious app,” and more.
  • Use “DoCurious” only in body text (not, for example, in titles and headlines) in an identical size, type, color, and style to the rest of the body text.


  • Do not use “DoCurious” in a way that implies partnership, sponsorship, or endorsement, including as part of your business name and/or as a branded term (e.g. “DoCurious Challenge Expert”).
  • Do not use the word “DoCurious” more than necessary to factually describe your relationship with DoCurious. If the expression or sentence has the same meaning without using “DoCurious,” remove it.
  • Never use “DoCurious” to describe experiences, challenges, or goal-oriented challenges generally.

Use it correctly


  • Write it “DoCurious” — one word, capital “D” and “C”. It’s not “docurious,” “Docurious” or “doCurious,” and it should never be broken apart as “Do Curious”.


  • Don’t change, add, or subtract anything from “DoCurious” — “DoCuriously,” “DoCurious-ish,” “DoCurious-er” are not acceptable.
  • Don’t use “DoCurious” as a verb.
  • Again, because we really mean it — never use “DoCurious” to describe experiences, challenges, or goal-oriented challenges generally.

For Partners

Partners must have written permission to use our trademarks. If you do have permission to use our trademarks, you are required to abide by the latest brand guidelines provided by your DoCurious point of contact who can answer any questions regarding these or supplementary guidelines.