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DoCurious Refund Policy

Effective Date: March 27, 2024

Refund Policy explains how refunds are handled with respect to Challenges and other products and services.  All refunds be made to the account purchasing the challenges or other products or services.


DoCurious refund policies depend upon the type of challenge or other products or services purchased.  

Hosted Challenges

Challenges listings for Hosted Challenges may specify a specific date and time, or simply list generally available business hours.  For challenges listing a specific date and time, if you do not hear from the Challenge Provider within 24 hours of purchase, please contact them to schedule and/or confirm your spot.  If the challenge is to be scheduled during regular business hours, please contact the Provider as soon as possible after purchase to book a day and time.

Unless a Challenge Issue occurs (as defined below), the refund policy for each Hosted Challenge is defined and administered by the Challenge Provider and described in the challenge listing.  Any refund requests should initially be directed directly to the Challenge Provider.  If and when the Provider approves a refund request based upon their policies, they are responsible for contacting DoCurious to authorize the refund. The Provider’s refund request should specify the original purchase transaction, the Purchaser to whom the refund should be issued, the reason for the refund, and the amount of the refund.

The Purchaser should always contact the Challenge Provider directly to try to reschedule or resolve any issues before requesting a refund.  

What Challenge Issues are covered

The term “Challenge Issue” refers to the following situations:

  • If, within 72 hours of purchasing a hosted challenge, the Challenge Provider is unable to provide an available time slot (or slots) acceptable to the Purchaser for the seats purchased.

  • The Provider cancels the Challenge.

  • The Provider fails to deliver or fulfill the Challenge, including because of Provider technical difficulties in the case of online delivery.

  • The Provider arrives more than 15 minutes late to the Challenge, causing the Doer to abandon the Challenge.

  • The Challenge presents or entails a safety or health hazard that would reasonably be expected to adversely affect a guest’s participation.

  • The actual Challenge materially deviates from the Challenge as described at the time of booking or from the DoCurious Challenge standards and requirements in a manner that would reasonably be expected to adversely affect a Doer’s participation.

  • The Provider is otherwise unable to provide access to the challenge, whether Hosted, Online, or Kit.

What happens if a Provider cancels the Challenge

If a Provider cancels a scheduled Challenge reservation and the Challenge could not be rescheduled at a time acceptable to the Purchaser, the Purchaser will receive a refund upon notifying DoCurious of the cancellation.  

What happens if another Challenge Issue disrupts a Challenge

Other Challenge Issues must be reported to us no later than 72 hours after they occur. If we determine that a Challenge Issue has disrupted a Challenge, we will provide a full or partial refund. The amount refunded depends on the severity of the Challenge Issue, the impact on the Doer, how the Challenge was affected, and whether the Doer was able to attend and participate in the Challenge. 

Online Challenges

Online challenges are available immediately after purchase, and are non-refundable. The only exception is if the vendor is unable to provide access to the product (a Challenge Issue). The Purchaser should always contact the challenge provider directly to try to resolve any issues before requesting a refund.

Kit Challenges

Unused or defective Kit challenges may be returned and refunded within 30 days of purchase. The Purchaser should contact the Provider directly to arrange for return of the Kit materials.  Refunds will be made receipt of the returned Kit materials is confirmed by the Challenge Provider.  Unless a Challenge Issue occurs, the refund policy for each Hosted Challenge is defined and administered by the Challenge Provider and described in the challenge listing.  Any refund requests should initially be directed directly to the Challenge Provider.  If and when the Provider approves a refund request based upon their policies, they are responsible for contacting DoCurious to authorize the refund. The Provider’s refund request should specify the original purchase transaction, the Purchaser to whom the refund should be issued, and the amount of the refund.

The Purchaser should always contact the challenge provider directly to try to resolve any issues before requesting a refund.  

Affiliate Challenges

Affiliate Challenges are challenges that are listed on the DoCurious marketplace, but are purchased directly from another vendor, website, or marketplace rather than by going through the DoCurious checkout process.  DoCurious is unable to provide any refunds for goods or services that were not purchased directly on our platform.  Refund requests should be made directly to the source where the Challenge or other products or services were purchased.

How to request a refund

Only the Purchaser of the Challenge may request a refund.  The Purchaser should first request a refund from the Challenge Provider using the contact information found on the listing or order confirmation.  If and when the Provider approves a refund request based upon their policies, they are responsible for contacting DoCurious at to authorize the refund. The Provider’s refund request should specify the original purchase transaction, the Purchaser to whom the refund should be issued, and the amount of the refund.

If the Purchaser is unable to contact the Provider or the Provider fails to respond to a refund request, the Purchaser may contact DoCurious directly at  The Purchaser’s correspondence should identify the original purchase transaction, the reason for the refund, and why the request is being made directly to DoCurious rather than through the Provider.

To be eligible for a refund for a Challenge Issue other than a Challenge Provider cancellation, the Purchaser may submit a request by emailing us at Requests must be made to us no later than 72 hours after occurrence of the Challenge Issue and supported by relevant evidence such as photographs or confirmation of the conditions by the Provider or other guests. We will determine whether a Challenge Issue has occurred by evaluating available evidence.

How refunds are issued

Refunds can take up to 10 business days to process, and can only be made to either your DoCurious Wallet or the original method of payment.  

For Hosted Challenges, if a suitable time cannot be confirmed by the Provider you may ask for a full refund to your payment method within 72 hours of purchase. For any other refund granted, the Purchaser has a choice regarding how the refund payment is made:

Option #1: 100% of the original purchase amount can be refunded to your DoCurious Wallet. This amount can be used for any future purchases made on the DoCurious marketplace.

Option #2: The original purchase amount can be refunded to your credit card or other non-Wallet payment method, less 3.5% of the total to cover non-refundable fees charged by third-party credit card and financial service providers. DoCurious has no control over these fees, and regrets any inconvenience that they cause.

How this Policy affects Challenge Providers

If a Purchaser requests a refund and the refund is granted, the Provider will either receive no payout or will have their current or future payouts reduced by the amount of the refund to the Purchaser.

If a refund is sought because a Provider cancels a Challenge or Challenge reservation, the Provider cannot be contacted or is unresponsive to a refund request, or another Challenge Issue disrupts an Challenge, in most circumstances we will attempt to confirm a Purchaser’s refund request with their Provider. Providers can also submit an objection to a Challenge Issue by contacting us at

Other things to be aware of

This Policy applies to all reservations made on or after the Effective Date. When this Policy applies, it controls and takes precedence over the reservation’s cancellation policy. Before submitting a request for a refund, whenever feasible, the Purchaser must notify the Provider and try to resolve the Challenge Issue directly with their Provider. In connection with resolving the issue, guests can request refunds directly from Providers. We may reduce the amount of any refund under this Policy to reflect any refund or other relief provided directly by a Provider.

Where a guest demonstrates that timely reporting of a Challenge Issue was not feasible, we may allow for late reporting of the Challenge Issue under this Policy. Challenge Issues that are caused by Purchasers, Doers, or their invitees are not covered by this Policy. Submitting a fraudulent report violates our Terms of Service and may result in account termination.

Our decisions under this Policy are binding, but do not affect other contractual or statutory rights that may be available. This Policy is not insurance and no premium has been paid by any Member. All rights and obligations under this Policy are personal to the Purchaser and Provider of the reservation and may not be transferred or assigned. Any changes to this Policy will be made in accordance with our Terms of Service