Explore. Master. Share.

We challenge you to do something in the real world that you've never done before -- alone, with someone else, or as part of a team.  It's time to choose your next achievement.

Unlock Your Potential with Goal-Oriented Challenges.
It’s in the news every day, and it probably happens in your own home— young people across the world are spending too much time on their devices, and it is taking its toll on their mental health.
We help people reduce screen time by using the same techniques as video games. Real-life, goal-oriented challenges (GOCs) lead to higher levels of satisfaction and happiness.
How it Works
Choose Your Challenge
Select from a variety of goal-oriented challenges, tailored to your interests and lifestyle.
Monitor Your Performance
Use our intuitive tools to monitor your achievements, stay motivated, and earn rewards.
Connect and Level Up
Build a community of like-minded individuals who share similar goals and level up your life!
Our Curated Marketplace
We’ve created the world’s 1st marketplace, curated by psychologists and doctors, and filled with goal-oriented challenges which are proven to increase sense of belonging, accomplishment, and happiness.
It’s a one-stop-shop to find and book a wide variety of challenges which touch every aspect of human endeavor, at every skill level, at every price point, and in most locations.
Hosted challenges are provided by independent vendors with the expertise, staff, and facilities to bring challenges to life. Autonomous challenges can be done at home on your own schedule
Save time: Eliminate hours hunting for fun things to do. Strengthen bonds:  Quality time with those you love.  Create memories: Build stories that stand the test of time.
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